Bookt Cinema Ticket Booking App

Bookt is an app that helps people conveniently book movie tickets. We aim to help users find a cinema nearby, check the best movie schedules, and book a movie ticket with a tap on their smartphone.
Project Duration: January 2022 to April 2022
My Role: UI/UX designer designing the Bookt Movie Booking App from conception to delivery.
Tools Used: Figma, Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Photoshop
Responsibilities: Designing the logo, conducting interviews, paper and digital wireframing, low and high-fidelity prototyping, conducting usability studies, accounting for accessibility, and iterating on designs.

The Problem:

Due to COVID, the capacity of cinemas is now limited. Busy movie-goers often need to line up only to know that the movie tickets are fully booked.

The Goal:

Design an app that enables users to find a cinema nearby, check movie schedules, and book a movie ticket at their most convenient time.

User Research: Summary

I conducted interviews and created empathy maps to understand the users I was designing for and their needs. A primary user group identified through research was busy working adults who love watching movies on the big screen. 

COVID affected most of the establishments including the seating capacity of the cinemas, which might make it difficult for busy moviegoers to book movie tickets and secure a good seating spot in the cinemas. Other identified user problems are booking a group seating and rescheduling a booked movie ticket.

User Research: Painpoints


Due to the pandemic, the seating capacity of cinemas has been cut in half, which makes it more difficult to book a movie and get a seat.


Most working adults have busy schedules and might only have holidays to enjoy the big screen.


Rebooking a movie ticket can be very difficult since you have to do it personally. 


Lawrence B.

Lawrence is an occupational therapy intern who needs to conveniently book a full seating line in the cinemas because he usually watches movies with his four siblings and wants to make sure that he sits alongside them.

Becky B.

Becky is a business owner who needs to securely schedule movie tickets in advance because her off day every month is unpredictable.

Jordan S.

Jordan is a movie critic who needs to watch all showing movies at the earliest because he needs to post his critique on Tiktok.


Low-Fidelity Wireframe

Movie Selection Journey

Dashboard and Settings


To view the prototype, click the button below.